2019 Friendship Tournament

 In Events, News

I would like to congratulate all members who participated IOGKF Canada Friendship Tournament this month. It requires courage to stand in front of the judges and big audience, and perform your skill. I saw many faces who were nervous before their performance, but focused once they come into the ring, then smiles after the performance. I am proud of every single student regardless the colour of medals you received. In our tournament, winning the gold medal is not the goal, but the experience to perform under the pressure in front of the audience with respectful atmosphere is important. I want our members to have a positive experience for their growth as a person.

I was very impressed by the respect and manners throughout the event, not only by our members, but also by all audience. Each student received a big applause from audience regardless of which dojo they were from.

I would like to thank all parents and family members for understanding the value of our organization and showing respect to all students. Special appreciation goes to all black Belt judges and volunteers for your hard work.

-Tetsuji Nakamura


You can find photos of the tournament below.

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