

Starting Dec 7, 2020 booking for ALL in-Dojo (temporarily suspended),  Zoom, and pre-recorded classes must be completed online before attending class. Each student and family will get a login to book  classes.

Please ensure you book online before heading to the dojo to reserve your spot; you can book in-dojo classes one day in advance; please note, however, that in-person classes are cancelled starting January 5, 2022 until further notice. Book online for Zoom and pre-recorded classes up to one week in advance to receive credit for attendance.

To book the online classes, please visit (and bookmark) our online booking widget here:


Live Virtual Classes

Live virtual classes are held several times a week for each age group.

Pre-Recorded Classes and Videos

In this section you will find previously recorded classes from our dojo as well as special guest virtual classes from other sensei from around the world. There are also special instructional videos presented by Nakamura Sensei and other chief instructors.

Important Note to ALL IOGKF recipients:

  1. A few select videos are shared on social media by their video creator.  These are marked (PUBLIC).
  2. Except for the few videos marked (PUBLIC), ALL OTHER VIDEOS ARE FOR YOUR PERSONAL USE ONLY.   The video creator gives you LIMITED RIGHTS to view his/her video and share it with your students.  No other use if permitted.
  3. Each video creator reserves the COPYRIGHT to himself/herself and does not give any other person the right to download, edit, or reproduce the video unless you have received written permission from the video creator.
  4. Don’t upload videos you didn’t make, or use content in your videos that someone else owns the copyright to, such as music tracks, snippets of copyrighted programs, or videos made by other users, without necessary authorizations.

Be sure to consult the copyright law and, if applicable, the YouTube Terms of Service   (  before making any use of any of these videos.