Travel Report from the IOGKF Ukraine National Gasshuku

 In Travel Reports

I was invited to teach at the IOGKF Ukraine national Gasshuku at Dnipro, Ukraine. Since the crisis in 2013, Ukraine has struggled politically and economically. I haven’t seen members from Ukraine at major international events for many years. I was very happy to see and train with them this time. The technical level of Ukraine members are very good, and they all train hard. I tested nine members to black belt and they all passed. At the Sayonara party, one of the students who owns a flower/plant farm hosted the party in his garden. He made a beautiful Japanese garden right next to the river, another student donated the whole lamb for BBQ, and another student brought home made wine. All food was from local farms, and tasted very good. I thoroughly enjoyed my stay in Dnipro. Dnipro city is right next to the big Dnieper River coming from Russia to Black Sea. I will bring my fishing rod next time 🙂

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